Spinnereistr. 7 Halle 18.H
04179 Leipzig
+49 (0) 15901401465
About 'BEYOND', text by Sophie Doelz
Soft pink, cool light blue, mint green, and lavender violet—punctuated by vibrant accents of orange, pink, and red. Vegetation, often abstracted and geometric, stages a quiet yet relentless invasion, overrunning the rigidity of architectural forms. A surreal symbiosis emerges, oscillating between precision and dynamism, control and untamed vitality, defining the spatial language of the works. Viewers become flâneurs in a utopian realm. As they navigate these constructed environments, they encounter unexpected obstacles: shafts that abruptly open in the ground, floating walls that disorient, or dead ends that disrupt the linear flow of modern architecture. Liebscher’s seemingly logical constructions defy definitive interpretation. Lush vegetation infiltrates and undermines the severity of the structures, rendering them desolate and deconstructed. This interplay suggests a reconfiguration of space through natural processes, exposing the vulnerability of urban constructs and the fragile equilibrium between Anthropocene realities and post-Anthropocene visions. Her hybrid spatial compositions resemble palimpsests, where layers of reality and fiction, logic and absurdity, are interwoven into an ambiguous whole. The absence of human figures deepens this ambiguity, leaving room to imagine that these spaces were once inhabited, their former occupants now reduced to faint traces. Liebscher’s works resist clear categorization, serving as metaphors for a world where the boundaries between culture and nature, permanence and transience, dissolve. Her creations are poetic meditations on transformation, exploring the coexistence of order and chaos, stability and decay, utopia and reality. They evoke emotions that hover between curiosity and subtle unease: Are these spaces sanctuaries, oases, or prophetic glimpses of a distant future?
About 'between'
Valentina Plank’s works operate in a field of tension between material autonomy and artistic intention. In her installations, the in-between becomes a site of artistic exploration: between tension and release, between technical calculation and physical experience. The material enters a dialogue with itself, each other, the viewer and the space. The geometric rigor of industrial semi-finished products is placed in multilayered relationships. Spatial confrontations evolve from the engagement with the specific properties of material and materiality. Moments of balance mark those states in which artistic intention and material agency interpenetrate. The installations invite viewers to move within this field of tension and perceive the differences that open up between defined states. In the exhibition 'between', these investigations manifest themselves in an exemplary environment. The serial arrangements develop a rhythm of here, there, and in-between.